W.R. Baker Reads "Lazarus Wigley" (2011)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Monstorum Artiflex

How the soul of our planet needs to battle in order to grow. Think of our planet as the ultimate ego. 

What man, during his or her lifetime, knows about the daily conspiracies of mankind can be put in a thimble. After all each of us is ensconced in a nutshell. Don’t kid yourself – the ego is a terrifying thing. It resists all attempts at investigation. Understanding it is possible but remember understanding is a word that sounds like what it is – ephemeral, slippery, sliding.   
Usually people begin to understand the ego’s power when one’s dreams and assumptions about reality are challenged by teachers and classmates. If not school early adult love is a great teacher and if not there certainly the job will do the trick. The ego’s main problem is its desire to be the sum of all things. For most people the deflation of the ego is a harrowing experience. “I’m not what I thought I was” often results in “how could I have been so wrong… about my place. I must seal that fissure, hang on and believe in myself.”
When we are bright and young, when we are calm and knowledgeable, when we rage at despair against tyranny and betrayal, the ego is within us. In play we begin to hide from those who would ruin us. So it begins – the liberation of man from mankind – out from under Her skirts into the dark sweet wine drenched arc of another’s. We are followers of a force we cannot name.
Black music bells, drumming increasing in intensity blending with the sounds of a cold quiet 3:00 a.m. He stands with her on the London Bridge. He moves his face closer to her own and says, “I’ve been battling this robot culture for so long I forget what the battle is all about.”
“Which is?”
“The freeing of the human mind from bondage.”
She whispers, “yes, but you must become like the owl. Show your true self at night. Cunning should be your middle name. I hear you are heir to the throne.”
“That is an oblique rumor to dissemble my Queen.”
“You don’t have to pretend with me. Put aside your mask.”
“I can never have children.”
“I understand.”
“We can never be truly together. I must leave.”
“Don’t go.”
It seems like every time I reach out to touch this world both it and I disappear. My life seems to be a procession of chimeras. Maybe that’s the way for everyone. The empire of illusion someone called it.

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